Hi truthordarepics,Thanks to some help from your site one of my fantasies came true. It started when I asked my girlfriend to read some of your dares. She admitted that some of them turned her on and I asked which and she said 'well most of them' and blushed. This lead to us talking in bed and ... READ THE REST HERE.
WATCH PEOPLE UNDRESS AT HOME**Note - This weekend I'd like to ask that each one of you tell at least 2 people about this site. WHY? Well because they may submit pics, which means you may get to see them naked, or their girlfriend/wife naked, or someone they know might be interested and get naked. It's all for the sake of NUDITY! The more people that know, the more naked people YOU can look at. Most people have a few online friends. Choose 2. Dares are still coming in strong but more naked pictures are better than fewer naked pictures. There is a mathematical formula for that somewhere I'm sure. Have a great weekend! - Webmaster
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:57 AM