I first began to realize that I enjoyed showing off my wife a couple of years after we were married. It began with feeling aroused when other men or women would tell me what a nice body she had or that she was "hot." At 5-foot-10, 130 pounds and with very long legs, she would definitely get more than her share of stares when we'd go out. It really hit home for me one Saturday night at a wedding reception. Janine wore a sexy summer dress that I had picked out and I proudly walked with her into the hotel ballroom. I'm not a big dancer (she is) and I was happy when a couple of my college buddies were willing to take Janine on the dance floor and country swing with her. In fact, I didn't see much of her except out on the floor for the next couple of hours. Finally, toward the end of the evening, she informed me that it was about time that I danced with my wife. Not wanting to get shut off for the night, I agreed. It was ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:05 AM