My Girlfriend and I were on our blanket with our bathing suits off, necking on a wooded hill side overlooking the bay. My GF said "look!", and I looked down about 100 yards and saw a young man walking and glancing our way. I was sure he had seen us, but since he was below us, he could not really see much. I said, he is far away, lets just put our suits around our legs, and we can pull them up if he comes closer. We resumed necking, and I noticed shortly that her suit was off her legs agian. I did not know what an exhibitionist she was then, but now I realize it is very important to her. When I told her I wanted us to post something on the truth or dare blog site, she said, "sure, if it pleases you." I know that she was just saying that but inside she was thrilled. Anyway, the young man disapeared from our sight, but evidently circled around and came back from the other side and above us. I saw her eyes flash to the left, and followed them, and there he was looking at us from about 12 feet away, in the bushes. I pretended not to see him and kept rubbing and touching her. She loves to be seen naked. This pic is from last week at our back door. - Lydia & James
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:34 PM