**These pics were sent with some text that was obviously translated from another language because it doesn't make much sense. I am guessing German from the sig of the email sent. Here is the text verbatim:
" Castle Ms, with this window blind became it me completely hot, as man sees had I all things outer-pulls himself.. loves greets that castle Ms"
**I imagine it would mean - "The Ms is near a castle and became horny. A man saw her with all her bodyparts out and she now loves that castle. " If anyone has a better translation let me know :) But for now enjoy the public nudity. **From Jeff (A reader) - Here is my 2 cents…
“as man sees had I all things outer-pulls himself.”
I think this part is talking about some guy seeing her exposed and he masturbates (pulls himself).

EDIT: A new pic sent in :
Nude in Germany - Pussy Parade..!!!

# posted by Webmaster @ 5:37 AM