For professional reasons I need to obscure my face but I do not think this will worry people logging on as they will be hoping to see my naked body. My G/F contacted me and said if it was
not me then I had a double - when I confirmed it was me she gasped and said "dare you to go all the way"! Well here is photo two and down to four items - I never wear anything under tights. Hope you like the photo and that it is in the spirit of this dare.
Hi, Pam, and thanks for playing! Great pic -- looking forward to more!
The webmaster has posted a photo of me in five items (at the previous post) of clothing along with your photo, so now it's my turn. The photo below show(s) me wearing four items of clothing. Your turn to post a 3-item photo as he already has mine!
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:41 AM