Hi Webmaster,
My husband and I both love your site and wanted to tell you about our fun. We made love in public places a few times. Once in our car at a train station, hot. Another few times at an RV dealership in and out of the RV's, that was hot! But just recently we were at a picnic area which is really more of a park in that it is used by hikers. joggers and is a pretty vast forest area. We almost decided to just sit and have lunch when we saw a trail thru the forest which we decided to take. We were isolated enough so we took our clothes off and decided to sunbath. I was in my underwear and hubby was nude. After half an hour like this it was evident that nobody was around us and that we were pretty isolated. I turned to my husband and asked him to make love to me. It was incredible and we did not have a worry in the world! Yowsa is all I have to say! So after my short explaination I would have to say oh so HOT!!!! Thanks for the site and keep up the good work! - Tiffany