Restaurant Flash
Here is my dare for My boyfriend and I just discovered your website and wanted badly to do a dare of some kind for it. I hadn't really done any before and was excited to try. We decided on a flash of some kind and brought our camera with us in the car so it could be there if we found an opportunity we liked. We stopped for lunch one saturday and noticed that there weren't too many people in the restaurant so I whispered to my boyfriend to go get the camera in the car. He smiled a devilish grin and came back within a minute. I started to get a bit nervous and warm all over as I looked all around me to make sure nobody could see. He said 'go' and I pulled my shirt down a bit to expose one breast and he snapped it quick. The guy behind us looked over after seeing the flash but BF said he didn't notice anything as he probably couldn't see what we were doing anyway. It was a blast and we'll do it again!! - Sandra
© 2004 Truth or Dare