Exhibitionist Mom
![]() A boyfriend from more than 8 years ago told me about your website and dared me to do this. I hardly ever back down from a dare. Tell K.A.M. thanks for all the fun memories of our wild times together. I will have things to make me smile when I am a grandma! FROM THE BOYFRIEND The adventures of Isabel and Keith Isabel and I dated off and on up until about eight years ago. When I recently discovered your website and began reading all the dares, especially the women flashing, I immediately thought about Isabel. With those thoughts, I began to recall how amazingly free spirited she was when it came to sex. I can’t ever recall a time I asked her to do something of a sexual nature that she did not agree or help me pull off. Mostly tame stuff compared to what some on this site have done but for me it was an experience I’ll never forget. The one that sticks out most in my mind (keep in mind I was usually drinking and the memories are not always crystal clear) was one night skating. It was late in the evening and we took our rollerblades out to an elementary school playground/basketball court. It was a really nice surface to skate and very few people bothered us. I was having fun skating and when I turned around there was Isabel, flashing her beautiful breasts at me. I don’t recall her size but if they are not D cups, I don’t know what a D cup is. Shortly after a little more horsing around we ended up back in the woods behind the basketball court where we fucked against a tree. Isabel was always flashing me and I loved it. It usually caught me by surprise which was nice. Some of our other escapades included a trip to Carraaba’s where she wore a dress without panties. I played with her and she with me under the table. To this day I’m certain the couple next to us and our waiter knew what we were doing. I also took her to a topless bar for her first table dance. She seemed to really like it. I know the dancer liked Isabel’s breasts. We also stripped down naked one night at the house and then proceeded to go out into my driveway and fuck on the back of my Oldsmobile. Even though the car was backed into the driveway and only one car passed it was still really exciting. I’m even pretty sure I had her talked into a threesome with another girl if we could find the girl, but I’m not sure she really ever agreed on that one or not. That’s really the fondest memory it was always exciting with Isabel. Sure we had a fight or two but when it came to sex she’s been the most daring and open minded girl of my life. UPDATE: I mentioned earlier I had sent a link to this site to Isabel. Well she responded and we started exchanging emails. Well one thing led to another and we ended up talking about how she had become shy, “just a mom,” and so on. So I told her she had to live a little and wake up the exciting person inside her. So I dared her to take a revealing photo and send it to the site or at least send it to me. She came up with the same old excuse of “I need to go the gym…” Blah, blah, blah. I wrote her back and told her that I dared her to do it and it that the time to act is now. Well last night I dreamed Isabel sent me a close up pic of her pussy. It seemed so real in the dream. When I got to work I was disappointed to find my inbox was empty. I kept checking until lunch time and I left. When I return the attached pictures were waiting. WAY TO GO ISABEL! I knew she still had it in her. Now I’ve been dared to send one “of Mr. Johnson.” So the last one is of me. PS: I spoke to Isabel who posted as: “Must-remain-anon-mom” and she said it would be alright to use her first name. The story just wouldn’t work with “Must-remain-anon-mom”. Keith ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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