Daring Wife

Daring Wife

What an amazing site! I read some of the stories posted, and figured it I should include one - despite my being older than most of the people submitting on this sit - because I think it was a great dare given to me by my husband. I hope that you do publish this, as I think I haven't been the only one dared to do this in the past! If you do publish this, I would appreciate knowing about it. If you could send me a return e-mail, that would be wonderful!!!

First, it happened just before the July 4th holiday when San Diego was having some really warm weather. My husband and I had been out looking at new homes, and it had become very depressing because of the costs associated with them. When I am depressed, I like to go shopping, and I decided to go shoe shopping (one of my favorites), but hubby didn't want to. So, as I was dropping him off at the house to continue to the mall, he dared me to go without my underpants and flash the shoe salesman. I took him up on his "dare", removed them while in the driveway and flung them at him, and drove away! As you can see in the attached pictures that he took during our house shopping earlier, I was wearing a fairly short skirt and button-down blouse without a bra. With the hot weather, I had originally unsnapped the top 3 buttons earlier before the pictures were taken with it totally undone, but since I was feeling very hot and was by myself, I unbuttoned the forth one as well. This resulted in my breasts being half-way exposed when I was standing up straight, and totally exposed when I leaned over very much. It had been a long time since I had really gone out with the intention of flashing anyone, but with my husbands initial dare, I decided to have some fun with it.

I did have a lot of fun in the mall that evening as I went around near several men who were either actually shopping or sitting down. I received a lot of looks (mostly at my half-exposed breasts), and some nice smiles from men who obviously thought I was OK to look at. But, remembering why I was there (shoe shopping), and my husband's dare, I went off in search of the shoes that I had wanted. What happened next was that I saw a sign at the entrance to the Nordstrom's (a local high-end department store) which was where the shoe department was located just inside, and saw an advertisement for a sale on their leather boots. Since my old ones had been worn out, I went in to look for a replacement pair. I really was interested in finding some new boots, but the thought of the dare kept me just a little bit excited at the prospect of actually doing it!

Since it was just about 1/2 hour or so before closing time, it was fairly empty in the shoe department. I looked around for a few minutes and found three styles that I liked. A male salesman in his late 40's asked if he could help me, and I showed him the 3 styles and asked him for them in my size. It was then that I noticed when I was holding them up he was looking past the shoes in my hand and directly at my cleavage showing (and at the angle he was at, there was a lot showing - I'm fairly sure my nipple was exposed with his looking from the side). Anyway, it hit me to make good with the dare, but I knew it had to be discrete. So I looked around for a isolated area and finally sat down over in the far corner facing the wall and with a couple of large shoe displays between me and both the main aisle and the cash register. The salesman actually didn't see me at first, but I caught his attention with a wave and he came over with the shoes to try on. Well, as I leaned over to slip off my sandals, I saw him take a long look first at my breasts, then between my legs when I lifted each up to remove my sandals. He put the first pair of boots on, and even though he was trying to also be discrete, it was obvious when he was lacing them up he was sneaking peeks between my legs. I spread them apart just a bit so he could see between them, but not enough for it to have been obvious as to what I was doing.

I got up from the chair, and they had both a full length mirror and one of those angled mirrors for you to check to see how they looked. I positioned myself almost directly in front and over the angled mirror while pretending to look in the full length mirror to see the "whole look", and I caught him looking directly at the angled mirror which was giving him a perfect view up my dress. For fun, I then parted my legs pretty wide; giving the appearance of sticking one leg out at a time to check the look. I know he saw every inch of my rear and pussy, and that made it start to get really fun. I then proceeded to walk right back to where he was sitting down, and while still standing in front on my chair, I leaned over from the waist and proceeded to tighten the boot laces. I saw the material of the top of my dress fall away from my breasts, and the salesman got a totally unobstructed view of both breasts and both nipples less than a foot from me for the minute it took me to tighten up the laces.

He had kind of a quirky smile on his face when I sat down; like he finally understood he was deliberately being flashed, but I tried not to give him any indication it was anything but a series of accidents on my part. After his removing the first pair of boots and putting on the second pair, I repeated the entire process that I had with the first pair, down to leaning over him to adjust the boot laces. I did notice that when he was putting the second pair on, instead of just looking down at what he was doing, he lifted his head up several times while talking with me and just pretty much started at my breasts. And I know I probably gave away what I was doing with spreading my legs over the angled mirror more than it was necessary, but I was getting more than a little excited at knowing I was overtly flashing him and that he was looking at me.

When I sat down to try on the third pair of boots after exposing my breasts to him so blatantly the second time, he really had another really quirky smile on his face when he was untying them. And, he made no subtle pretense about being discrete in his looking between my legs. He actually lifted the first one to have the boot removed a lot higher than it was needed to be, and at the same time moved it to the side so that he literally spread my legs apart a good foot. All this time his eyes never left looking between them at my pussy. Well, I thought two could play this game, since it was obvious that I was purposely flashing him. So, when he went to remove the second boot, I lifted my own leg and spread it farther to the side than he had to really give him a view. And I held it that way for several seconds after he had removed the second boot.

Well, with all pretenses of innocence being gone, I scooted my rear to the edge of the chair for him to put on the last pair of boots, which happened to be a zip-up-the-side design. I checked to make sure no one was looking our way or coming in our direction, and as I lifted my leg to let him put the first boot on, I grabbed the hem on my skirt with both hands and pulled it back until everything below my navel was exposed to him. I then spread my legs as far as I could without causing undo attention, and stayed that way while he put on the first boot and zipped it up. He alternated between looking at my pussy and my face, with me having a wry smile on it and his getting even more naughty looking. I knew at this time I was VERY WET down there, and I could feel my vaginal lubricant starting to leak out from between my lips, which were also spread open by my leg-spreading action.

This is where things got out of hand (pardon the pun!). When the salesman put on the second boot, he zipped it up very fast and let his hand rapidly continued to go up my inner thigh until he buried his index and middle finger right into my pussy. He looked at me with a really wicked grin, and I know I had one of half shock and half pleasure. He then put his thumb against my clitoris, and fairly rapidly moved it both in a circle and back and forth across it. That was too much for me, and within seconds, I was thrusting my hips into his hand. It wasn't 15 seconds later, as I was building up to a climax, that he abruptly removed his fingers from inside me and gave me a smile that said "I just got even with you for trying to tease me!"

I was still trying to catch my breath when he quickly removed my boots, got up from his stool, and asked me if there anything else he could do. All I could say was that I wanted to buy the third pair of boots. He took them to the cash register while I straightened my shirt and put my shoes back on. I wasn't paying any attention to him or the charge slip I signed and that he'd put in the sack, but when I got to my car (I had to go straight to it and masturbate myself to the orgasm that I had been building up to) and pulled out the receipt, I noticed that he had charged me only $19 for the $119 sale price!!!!

I NEVER told my husband about what really happened, so it is a wonderful relief to be able to share my adventure finally and relive it!


Daring Wife Karen

Daring Karen

Wife Karen



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