Penis Enlargement Pills Don't Work!

Penis Enlargement Pills Don't  

I will often hear people say, "They must work! I've been getting SPAMMED with penis enlargement pill emails for years now. Those advertisers (ahem... 'spammers') wouldn't continue to market a product for years, at considerable cost to themselves, if they didn't work. They're not stupid you know?" This type of argument has been used to justify so many things that are completely inaccurate! It's true that the spammers are not 'stupid'. They wouldn't be spending all that money advertising to us if they weren't MAKING MONEY. But they are, and that's why they keep doing it, because people keep buying them, NOT because they necessarily work.

A Little Experiment.
Back in 2001 I did a little experiment with penis pills and used 3 volunteers from my older site to each try out a different brand of the leading penis pills of that time. I found the old page that contained the experiment with the details. You can read them quickly HERE. I posted the results for that experiment in a yahoo group I was a part of since the older site was going to be changed soon and the yahoo group had more people interested in the experiment. Basically all 3 of my volunteers experienced no increases in girth or in length of their penises after taking the pills religiously for 6 weeks. Two of them said that they felt that their nocturnal erections 'may' have been slightly fuller and that their flaccid penis size and hang seemed fuller as well. The 3rd guy said he saw no change whatsoever. Other people responded to that results-thread with their own experiences and nobody had reported any size increase. One responder though posted that he had seen gains in his penis size but not from pills. He said he tried a few exercises and seemed to gain about half and inch. I asked him if he took before and after measurements and he said 'no', that he just could tell. Well that wasn't exactly scientific evidence and I didn't really believe him but I was intrigued and started searching for more answers.

Is Penis Enlargement Possible?
In my opinion not from penis pills ... at least not yet. For a couple of years now scientists in the United States have been trying to come up with a drug in pill form that would do what most of these internet companies claim their’s does. They have numerous and detailed scientific claims about their potential product and you can read all about them, and bore yourself to death, on THIS PAGE. What they (and others as they are not the only ones) say is that they are going to develop a drug which is basically a vasodilator (a drug that opens things up mainly arteries) which means more blood flow to certain areas. Their hypothesis is that if they can increase the blood flow to the penis and penile tissues for prolonged periods of time that the tissues will eventually become accustomed to their stretched out state and stay that way permanently. We know that these types of adaptations do occur in the body in other areas and so they may have something there. I imagine they need a few more years to see if they are able to formulate such a drug. If so, it will be even 'bigger' than Viagra.

Unhappy SpouseSo what about penis exercises? During my internet search at that time I read TONS of info on the subject and found more and more men posting on websites and telling others how they actually did increase their penis size with specific exercises. When asked where they got the info most of them just said through forums and friends. One person did direct me to a site where I could buy the info for $30. I did and found it to be one of the silliest things I've ever read. I saved some of it and you can see it for yourself by reading it HERE. Many of these ridiculous so-called programs were sold making people feel cheated, angry and more skeptical about penis enlargement in general. I have to admit I was too, I mean, did you 'read' that text? Aside from kegels, the exercises were useless! It wasn't until about 6 months later that I came upon a message-board/group who were looking
into this seriously. They were communicating well with each other taking measurements, photos and having stimulating discussions. Most of them were using an inexpensive program like one that can be found at THIS WEBSITE. It was really amazing to see. Men were making gains to the width and girth of their penis' without pills or pumps or surgery. They were doing carefully structured exercises every day for 10 minutes/day and had gains to show for it! The exercises were ones that had a similar effect to the vasodilator drug I mentioned above, which stretched the tissues out by increasing blood flow. The catch was that the program had to be followed every day for at least 4-6 months for the size gains to be permanent. But most of the guys who tried it found that you did lose 'some' of the gains if you stopped for any considerable length of time. For example, if you gained 3 inches and then stopped for 3 months, you'd probably lose about 1 1/2 inches but keep the other 1 1/2 permanently. If one decided to start up again, the lost gains would come back a lot faster! On top of all of this they also found that they were much HARDER during sexual intercourse which makes sense since they are training their penile tissues to receive and store more blood than usual.

I Had To Try It!
After reading all of those positive comments and results I decided to try it myself. I bought a membership, learned the exercises and started my routine of 10 minutes/day. After 6 weeks I noticed a difference in size. Not measurable yet but "I" could tell and that got me excited. Sex with my girlfriend was better as I was definitely harder and could easily last longer. I attributed that to the exercises as nothing else in my life had changed. To make a long story short in about 4 months I had gained about 2.5 inches and was a happy camper! My girlfriend noticed and finally confronted me (I didn't tell her I had been doing exercises) about it saying I "had" to have done something. So I told her about the program and she basically said that she doesn't care about size and that if I wanted to continue fine but it didn't matter to her. I believed her because I never really did them after that and she never stopped enjoying sex. Even though I had lost 1.5 inches of the 2.5 I had gained it didn't seem to affect our dynamic and flow in the bedroom. I didn't stop because of her but because I became lazy about doing them everyday. But to this day, 3 years later, I still have that extra inch and would recommend a program like that to anyone who wants to increase their penis size safely.

A Word Of Caution
In my research and involvement in penis enlargement groups, I have come across a few men who have had penis injuries. Most were due to the fact that they were overzealous and pushed too far. If you liken it to a person going to the gym for the first time, imagine them lifting way more weight than they should and doing this everyday. Eventually, they will get injured. Penis enlargement is no different, follow the advice laid out and you will be fine. I must emphasize again that there were very few who did get injured and all of them that did were injured due to them pushing way too hard. Some things to keep in mind if you ever decide to embark on a penis enlargement program:

1- Avoid Surgery: I have seen photos of guys who have had penis enlargement surgery and at first it seems ok but sometimes it goes horribly wrong and ends up distorting or warping the shape of the shaft of the penis.

2- Avoid Penis Pumps: Austin Powers only used it once in his movie and that was to hurt someone. It can hurt you too by damaging the dorsal vein or nerves. It doesn't really work anyway. 3- Don't Push Yourself: The ones that did get injured all shared something in common, they pushed themselves for months on end and ended up getting hurt. If ever you're not sure about something, back off a bit and you'll be fine.

For Those Interested In Trying It Out
Access to this info is by membership and can be had HERE. The cost is only $49 and that guarantees you will make gains which are satisfying to you. If not, they will refund your money no questions. They have been around for years now and have a solid reputation. I am sure you'll be more than satisfied. There are a couple of other companies that offer similar memberships as well and when I find their link I'll post them here too. Good Luck!


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